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Why Woodpeckers Don't Get Concussions: 11 Interesting Facts About WoodpeckersWoodpeckers are the builders of the bird world. While other species weave nests from grass and branches, woodpeckers bore holes in the hardest types of trees to create nests, find prey living under the bark, and extract sap from trees.
Animals | Views: 24 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-13 | Comments (0)

Why Birds Migrate: 9 Interesting Facts About Migratory Birds
As the cold sets in, birds leave their homes and strive to reach warmer regions as soon as possible. We, the wingless beings, can either envy or admire the birds' abilities. They don't need passports, visas, or long waits at airports to one day rise into the sky and embark on their journey.

Animals | Views: 32 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-13 | Comments (0)

Birds are descendants of dinosaurs: 36 interesting facts about birdsBirds are fascinating creatures that have mastered the airspace of our planet and confidently rule it. They can be wild or domestic, and some of them cannot fly, having other advantages. Kiwis virtually do not have wings, and penguins use theirs as flippers. Scientists have counted over 10,000 species of birds living on all continents and many islands.

Animals | Views: 30 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-05 | Comments (0)

Tigers Don't Purr: 26 Fascinating Facts About the Largest Members of the Cat FamilyTigers can arguably be considered the most recognizable large predators of the cat family. The black-orange striped fur of these creatures has become their distinctive trademark. The reputation of tigers as ruthless predators, much like their vivid striped coat, serves as a warning against encountering these animals in their territory.
Animals | Views: 36 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-19 | Comments (0)

Why do dogs bark at bicycles?When cycling, you might encounter the noisy barking of discontented dogs running after you. The same happens with cars and motorcycles. Why do dogs dislike these things so much? There are several explanations for this.
Animals | Views: 36 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-19 | Comments (0)

Dogs Resemble Their Owners: 28 Interesting Facts About DogsDogs have been man's best friend for millennia, living side by side with humans and serving as faithful companions to many of us. Let's explore some fascinating facts about dogs.
Animals | Views: 36 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-18 | Comments (0)

Why do bats sleep upside down?Bats are the only mammals capable of flight. Mother Nature seems to have decided to give them a little of both: it endowed them with weak legs and lightweight bones.
Animals | Views: 28 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-18 | Comments (0)

Interesting Facts About SkunksSkunks are fascinating creatures native to North America. Their main feature is their ability to spray a liquid produced by special glands under their tail when threatened. The stream can reach up to 4 meters and turns the attacker into a stinky mess for quite some time. If the liquid gets on clothing, it's best to discard it immediately, as the smell is impossible to wash out. However, a mixture of soap, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide can help remove it from the skin.

Animals | Views: 36 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-08 | Comments (0)

10 interesting facts about pigsIt turns out that pigs are real pets, and not dirty pigs at all! We bring to your attention interesting facts about pigs.
Animals | Views: 37 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-08 | Comments (0)

Why are sharks afraid of dolphins?The shark is considered the most terrible sea predator in terms of its bloodthirstiness. But it is also under control. Dolphins are such an enemy for sharks. Why are sharks afraid of dolphins, even though they are bigger than them?
Animals | Views: 39 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-04-10 | Comments (0)

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