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Why do dogs bark at bicycles?
Why do dogs bark at bicycles?

Why do dogs bark at bicycles?

Why do dogs bark at bicycles?

When cycling, you might encounter the noisy barking of discontented dogs running after you. The same happens with cars and motorcycles. Why do dogs dislike these things so much? There are several explanations for this.

Firstly, dogs hear better than humans. While our range is 20 Hertz to 20 Kilohertz, dogs can pick up sounds at 40 Kilohertz. In simpler terms, a moving bicycle sounds to them like scraping glass with metal.

Secondly, the sight of a person on a bicycle differs from a regular pedestrian, and if a dog isn't accustomed to this, it may perceive danger and begin to defend itself.

One theory suggests that dogs are scared of moving wheels. They don't understand what they are and instinctively may lunge at bicycles or cars. Unfortunately, sometimes this can cost the animal its life.

Another theory involves remnants of the herding instinct in some dogs. If a sheep runs away, it must be returned to the flock.

Sometimes dogs bark to protect their territory. Stray dogs living in one place for a long time defend themselves against strangers, whether cyclists, pedestrians, or other animals. Preventing intrusion means elevating their dominance status. Typically, young dogs establish this by barking and lunging at passing bicycles. If a cyclist's path runs through residential areas, the dogs living there and guarding the houses are unlikely to attack. They guard their territory, so if you're not intruding, you're not in danger.
Category: Animals | Added by: Vik (2024-06-19)
Views: 59 | Tags: territorial behavior, human perception, sound frequency, dogs, Instinct, Bicycles, bark | Rating: 0.0/0
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