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10 interesting facts about pigs
10 interesting facts about pigs

10 interesting facts about pigs

10 interesting facts about pigs

It turns out that pigs are real pets, and not dirty pigs at all! We bring to your attention interesting facts about pigs.

1. Pigs are actually quite tidy animals: they don't defecate where they sleep or eat, but they roll in the mud to cool off and get rid of parasites.

2. Pigs don't have sweat glands. Their only way to cool down is by lounging in cool water. A puddle will do, as pig pools aren't a thing.

3. Pig stomach enzymes are used to produce insulin, which is necessary for diabetics.

4. The composition of sow and human breast milk is similar in terms of amino acids, and many piglet diseases mirror those of infants.

5. There's a theory that Muslims avoid pork because in ancient times, many nomadic tribes found it inconvenient to transport pigs due to their lifestyle.

6. Pigs have a moderate appetite. They consume only about 4% of their body weight in feed per day.

7. Pigs rank high in intelligence, trailing behind only humans, dolphins, and primates. Some researchers even argue that pigs are smarter than dogs (though less trainable).

8. Pigs have an excellent sense of smell. French people use pigs to hunt for delicate truffles, which pigs can sniff out buried 10-16 cm underground.

9. Pigs can be bred and kept in urban settings. There's even a special breed called miniature pigs for this purpose.

10. A pig's squeal can reach 115 decibels, which is 3 dB louder than the sound of a supersonic airliner!
Category: Animals | Added by: Vik (2024-06-08)
Views: 71 | Tags: facts, noise level, insulin, cleanliness, sense of smell, Pigs, breast milk, sweat glands, Intelligence, urban farming | Rating: 0.0/0
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