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Mykola Gogol: 25 Interesting Facts About the Mysterious WriterMykola Gogol fascinated and outraged his contemporaries. He left his descendants the idea of national liberation and an almost mystical biography. The facts about the author of "Taras Bulba" and "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" are as interesting as the legends.

Famous people | Views: 38 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-19 | Comments (0)

This Is Not Taught in School: 8 Interesting Facts About Taras Shevchenko That Few People KnowTaras Hryhorovych Shevchenko is an outstanding poet, artist, and a source of pride and inspiration for the Ukrainian people. Much has been written about the life and work of this renowned master. However, there are intriguing facts in the biography of the Kobzar that are not widely known but fully reveal the multifaceted character and talent of the artist.

Famous people | Views: 33 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-19 | Comments (0)

Giordano Bruno: 14 Interesting Facts About the Unyielding Freethinker of the RenaissanceGiordano Bruno entered history as a controversial figure who sacrificed himself for science, aiming to dismantle commonly accepted church dogmas. His bold ideas and free interpretations of old postulates were not met with approval by the conservative clergy, which led to his wanderings and later execution. Regardless, the thinker’s name is now associated with someone who suffered for his beliefs.
Famous people | Views: 33 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-17 | Comments (0)

Interesting Facts About SportsSport is not just about health; it is about the desire to be better and move forward. Sport evolves and progresses alongside humanity, with new heroes emerging and new records being set, both personal and team. The most interesting, fantastic, and humorous facts remain in the history of sports, in the memory of all fans, in our memory. Here are some interesting facts and statistics in sports.

Sport | Views: 29 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-17 | Comments (0)

4 Signs: What Handwriting Can Reveal About a PersonThe science of graphology, which studies handwriting, can uncover secrets that a person may not even know about themselves. Specialists only need to look at a few handwritten pages to gain insights. This useful science can help you understand the person you are dealing with.

Human psychology | Views: 31 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-12 | Comments (0)

"Psychopath!” we exclaim when someone starts behaving strangely. But who are psychopaths and sociopaths really, and why do they make our lives difficult?
Human psychology | Views: 26 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-12 | Comments (0)

Nikola Tesla: Interesting Facts about the Mysterious Master of ElectricityNikola Tesla is one of the most enigmatic scientists, whose inventions continue to intrigue the scientific community. Some of his brilliant discoveries were not understood by his contemporaries, while others mysteriously disappeared, leaving a wealth of material for science fiction writers and conspiracy enthusiasts. It is also known that the great inventor had extravagant personality traits and strange habits.
Famous people | Views: 30 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-06 | Comments (0)

Herbert Wells: Interesting Facts About the Science Fiction WriterEnglish writer Herbert Wells was an extraordinarily versatile person, and the flight of his imagination knew no bounds. In the realm of science fiction, he is a competitor to Jules Verne, and while Verne pioneered the genre, Wells continued it with distinction.

Famous people | Views: 39 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-06 | Comments (0)

Interesting Facts About SkydivingA skydive is the only type of fall after which you feel only pride. Here are some interesting facts about skydiving.
Sport | Views: 33 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-02 | Comments (0)

The world has always been filled with mad people. Mentally ill or simply eccentric mad people have changed the planet. Fits of rage or depression, and simply a different way of thinking, have spawned mathematical theories, amazing inventions, beautiful poetry, as well as musical and artistic creations.
Famous people | Views: 30 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-17 | Comments (0)

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