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Pythagoras' Cup: An Interesting Invention by the Ancient Greek SageWhen Pythagoras is mentioned, his theorem from the school curriculum immediately comes to mind. However, it turns out that Pythagoras is also credited with another very interesting invention that prevents one from drinking more than a set limit...

Human inventions | Views: 36 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-23 | Comments (0)

How, Who, and When the Bicycle Was Invented: History and EvolutionIn today's world, the bicycle is an important part of human life. We use bikes during leisure time, as a regular means of transportation for city trips, for fitness, and for sports, among other things.

It's hard to imagine there was a time when bicycles did not exist. Since the invention of the two-wheeled horse, it has significantly improved, but the basic principle has remained unchanged—two wheels, a frame, and pedals.
Human inventions | Views: 36 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-16 | Comments (0)

10 Random Human InventionsNot all necessary and useful things in the world were deliberately invented or discovered by scientists. Some human creations that bring benefit, joy, and improve or simplify our lives were not the result of scientific work and appeared quite accidentally.
Human inventions | Views: 35 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-05-28 | Comments (0)

The things that surround us in everyday life seem simple and understandable. But what would our world be like if there were no wheels, electric lamps, or the Internet? Today we will talk about the ten most important inventions that changed the course of human history.
Human inventions | Views: 25 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-05-24 | Comments (0)

Human Ingenuity: 28 Fascinating FactsHumanity has always been driven by a relentless pursuit of progress, constantly seeking new technologies, inventions, and discoveries to improve our lives. From the humble wheel to the lifesaving wonders of modern medicine, these remarkable innovations have transformed our society and shaped our world. Embark on a captivating journey through the history of human ingenuity as we explore 28 fascinating facts about groundbreaking inventions that have had a profound impact on our existence.
Human inventions | Views: 45 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-05-24 | Comments (0)

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