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Dracula's Homeland: 16 Unusual Facts About Romania, an Exotic European CountryRomania is considered a young, rather unusual, and even somewhat exotic European country. Its appearance on the political map of the world dates back to the second half of the 19th century.

Countries of Europe | Views: 44 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-28 | Comments (0)

Greece in 22 Facts: Never Show Greeks the OK GestureGreece is a sunny country with a rich history and culture that attracts millions of tourists every year. Here are some interesting facts about Greece.

Countries of Europe | Views: 32 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-28 | Comments (0)

64 Interesting Facts about Great BritainGreat Britain is a country that many associate with preserving monarchy, and for centuries, people have lived in this state, proud of their royal rulers. However, despite not abandoning monarchical governance, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland remains a significant player on the global economic and political stage.
Countries of Europe | Views: 31 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-07 | Comments (0)

Vibrant Spain: 52 Interesting Facts About the Colorful CountrySpain has long captured the hearts of many tourists worldwide with its enticing charm. Recently, domestic tourists have also begun to discover this beautiful country, flocking by the thousands to the sunny shores of Cervantes' homeland.

Countries of Europe | Views: 36 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-07-07 | Comments (0)

Why the Vatican Has One of the Highest Crime Rates - 34 Interesting Facts About the World's Smallest StateThe Vatican is the smallest state in the world. Despite its diminutive size, in religious and cultural terms, the Vatican is a significant force. Within its 0.44 km² territory lies arguably the richest collection of artworks in the world.
Countries of Europe | Views: 34 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-28 | Comments (0)

Colorful Liechtenstein: 18 Interesting Facts About the Highly Unusual CountryPicturesque landscapes, fascinating history, and stunning present-day. In this article, we'll explore interesting facts about the remarkable country of Liechtenstein.
Countries of Europe | Views: 37 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-27 | Comments (0)

The Richest Country in the World: 29 Interesting Facts About LuxembourgYou may not hear much about the country of Luxembourg—it's not among the popular tourist destinations or large European nations. This Grand Duchy is one of the smallest states in Europe.
Countries of Europe | Views: 31 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-27 | Comments (0)

22 Interesting Facts About Ukraine You Might Not KnowUkraine is much more interesting than it seems! Here are some fascinating facts about Ukraine that you might not know.

Countries of Europe | Views: 50 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-24 | Comments (0)

What France Has to Offer: Discover 43 Intriguing Facts About This Remarkable CountryFrance is one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Rich in history and culture, it boasts enchanting landscapes and cozy towns that attract a plethora of tourists.

Countries of Europe | Views: 33 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-06-09 | Comments (0)

Pedantic Germany: 84 Interesting Facts about the Successful CountryModern Germany is one of the most successful states on the planet. The diligence and punctuality of the Germans, which have even become the subjects of jokes, have paid off, bringing a once-poor country to prosperity and stability over the past thirty to forty years, making "Made in Germany" a true mark of quality.

Countries of Europe | Views: 67 | Added by: Vik | Date: 2024-05-31 | Comments (0)

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