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The Richest Country in the World: 29 Interesting Facts About Luxembourg
The Richest Country in the World: 29 Interesting Facts About Luxembourg

The Richest Country in the World: 29 Interesting Facts About Luxembourg

The Richest Country in the World: 29 Interesting Facts About Luxembourg

You may not hear much about the country of Luxembourg—it's not among the popular tourist destinations or large European nations. This Grand Duchy is one of the smallest states in Europe.

Interesting Facts About Luxembourg:

● The capital of Luxembourg is the city of Luxembourg.

● The population of Luxembourg is approximately 576,000 people.

● Luxembourg shares borders with Belgium, Germany, and France.

● Official languages: Luxembourgish, French, German.

● The area of Luxembourg is only 2,586 square kilometers.

● Despite its small size, Luxembourg is the richest country in the world. This is measured by GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita, which is incredibly high at $104,000 per person!

● It's no wonder that Luxembourg leads in having the highest minimum wages among EU countries.

● Luxembourg is the world's only Grand Duchy. It became one after Napoleon's defeat in 1815 and remains so to this day. The country is governed by Grand Duke Henri.

● Luxembourg is one of the twelve founding countries of NATO and one of the six founding countries of the European Union.

● Half of Luxembourg's official workforce are not residents of the country. They commute from Belgium, Germany, and France, drawn by Luxembourg's favorable conditions and excellent healthcare.

● One of Luxembourg's top tourist attractions is the famous Bock Casemates. It's an extensive underground network of tunnels spanning 17 kilometers, carved into the rock beneath Luxembourg City. Construction began in 1644 and expanded over time. During World War II, the Casemates served as a bomb shelter, housing 30,000 to 35,000 people.

● Luxembourg is home to over 200 banking institutions—more than any other city in the world.

● Luxembourg hosts around 170 nationalities, with nearly half of its population being immigrants. The largest group among them are the Portuguese, making up approximately 16.4% of the total population.

● Residents of Luxembourg typically speak three languages: Luxembourgish, German, and French. Children speak Luxembourgish in kindergarten, French and German in primary school, and English in secondary school. In media and daily life, French, Portuguese, English, German, and Luxembourgish are common. The country's parliament uses Luxembourgish, while laws are written in French.

● Luxembourg is a tax haven for many large companies, thanks to some of the lowest tax rates in the world, making it favorable for business operations.

● Luxembourg's Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, became the first EU leader to enter into a same-sex marriage. The country's government approved same-sex marriages in 2015.

● Though secular, a significant portion of Luxembourg's population identifies as Roman Catholic. Others identify as Protestant, Jewish, or Muslim.

● Luxembourg boasts one of the highest voter turnouts in Europe—91%.

● The country features a region known as "Little Switzerland." This nickname comes from its resemblance to Swiss landscapes, encompassing dense forests, streams, waterfalls, small villages, and ruined castles, covering 7% of the total area of Luxembourg.

● There are several theories about the origin of the country's name. According to one, it derives from the name of an ancient fortress, "Lutzelburg." In 963, when Count Siegfried purchased property in the area, it became known as "Lucilinburhuc." In the Middle Ages, influenced by French, it adopted its current name, "Luxembourg." Another version suggests the name comes from the German words for "little castle."

● The old quarters of Luxembourg City, the country's capital, are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. The inclusion is due to the vast number of historical monuments and fortifications preserved in excellent condition.

● Luxembourg's national cuisine is a blend of French and German influences. Traditional dishes include potato pancakes, plum tart, green bean and potato soup, and smoked pork knuckle with vegetables.

● The country is renowned for its wines and consistently tops wine rankings worldwide. One of its most popular wines, Crémant de Luxembourg, frequently wins gold and silver medals.

● The restaurant Chiggeri made it into the Guinness World Records in 2009 for having the longest wine list in the world. This Luxembourgish establishment offers a selection of 1,746 varieties of wine.

● Luxembourg has won the Eurovision Song Contest five times.

● Luxembourg ranks among the safest countries in the world, with residents having the lowest chances of being shot. The country has only two prisons!

● Despite a dense road and highway network, Luxembourg maintains forests covering one-third of its territory.

● Luxembourg ranks first in the world for literacy, boasting a 100% literacy rate.

● Luxembourg is a remarkable country that combines a multitude of nationalities and cultural flavors, ensuring everyone's rights are respected. It's impossible not to fall in love with it!
Category: Countries of Europe | Added by: Vik (2024-06-27)
Views: 16 | Tags: Wine, Grand Duchy, immigration, Little Switzerland, facts, banking hub, tax haven, same-sex marriage, Casemates, richest country, smallest country, Roman Catholicism, multicultural, EU founding member, multilingual, eurovision, GDP per capita, UNESCO World Heritage, Luxembourg, NATO founding member | Rating: 0.0/0
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