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Pedantic Germany: 84 Interesting Facts about the Successful Country
Pedantic Germany - 84 Interesting Facts about the Successful Country

Pedantic Germany - 84 Interesting Facts about the Successful Country

Modern Germany is one of the most successful states on the planet. The diligence and punctuality of the Germans, which have even become the subjects of jokes, have paid off, bringing a once-poor country to prosperity and stability over the past thirty to forty years, making "Made in Germany" a true mark of quality.

Pedantic Germany: 84 Interesting Facts about the Successful Country

Interesting Facts about Germany

- The capital of Germany is Berlin.
- The population of Germany is approximately 82.8 million people.
- Germany shares borders with the following countries: Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, and is washed by the Baltic and North Seas.

- Angela Merkel, elected in 2005, became the first female Chancellor in the history of Germany.
- Germany has approximately 5,000 types of beer, 1,500 types of sausages, 300 types of bread, and approximately 500 types of mineral water.

- The world's largest beer festival, Oktoberfest, takes place in Germany.

- Every third brewery in the world is located in Bavaria.

- Chewing gum was invented in Germany by Hans Riegel.

- Germany was the first country to switch to daylight saving time in 1916.

- Aspirin, known worldwide, was also invented by Germans. It was synthesized by Felix Hoffmann (Bayer AG) in 1897.

- The majority of police cars in Germany are from the Mercedes company.

- Germans are not familiar with or afraid of dried fish.

- In Germany, it is possible to live on social assistance without working. However, it is very poor living.

- The difference in dialects of the German language is such that television programs in the northern part of the country sometimes come with subtitles when spoken by southern residents.

- If you ask for directions in Germany, people will smile, pull out their iPhone, check the navigation, explain how to get there, and offer you a ride — that's Germany for you.

- If you happen to get into a fight, to receive leniency from the court, you must confirm that at the beginning of the fight you did not clench your fists.

- In the German judicial system, Wikipedia is recognized as a reliable source of information.

- Evicting a person from their housing, even if they don't pay rent, is extremely difficult in Germany.

- The most popular sport in Germany is football. And the German national team is one of the strongest football teams on Earth.

- Living in rented accommodation in Germany is the norm. Three-quarters of the population live in rented apartments and houses. The security of the tenant is extremely high. Even affluent layers of the population live in rented accommodation.

- Spending more than two hours a day on music is unacceptable to neighboring tenants and is equated with noise – such are the laws in Germany regulating housing rental.

- Repairing any items in Germany is so expensive that it's easier to buy a new one.

- The fine for plucking a flower is approximately 650 euros.

- Responsibility for the Second World War is instilled in the consciousness of Germans from kindergarten.

- Children in Germany can do anything. Parents will be held accountable. If there are no parents, then no one.

- In order for a child to ride a bicycle, they are issued a special bicycle driver's license at school.

- In Bavaria, a person has the right to drink a pint of beer during the working day.

- Homeless people often keep dogs. They receive extra money for their upkeep.

- Drawing a swastika or making a fascist salute in Germany is prohibited by law.

- With the introduction of the euro, most prices in Germany doubled. But the standard of living in Germany is still considered one of the highest in the world.

- Traumatic pistols and gas canisters are prohibited in Germany.

- If you have debts of even half a million, simply declare your bankruptcy and you will be obliged to find a permanent job, leaving you with about a thousand euros to live on, and less than 10 years later, your debts will be written off.

- Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is prohibited. Strictly.

- Germans are very attentive to their health and what they eat and drink.

- According to surveys of Germans themselves, Berlin is considered the dirtiest city.

- Alcohol intoxication is considered a mitigating circumstance in court. Except for traffic incidents and official crimes.

- Until recently, German women practically did not use cosmetics and began to dye their hair only because of women from abroad.

- German women wear high heels only for a special occasion.

- Interaction with the boss in companies is most often on a first-name basis.

- Bio-stores are quite popular. Prices there are on average 30% higher than in a regular store.

- There are fewer women than men in Germany.

- It is customary in Germany to shake hands with women.

- The average life expectancy for men is approximately 74 years, for women 79 years.

- Christmas in Germany is celebrated much more significantly and brightly than New Year's.

- In Germany, over 250 newspapers and magazines are published in Russian.

- Dogs in Germany are very friendly. It's extremely rare to hear a dog bark.

- Sanitary standards in Germany are so high that it's perfectly safe to eat not only undercooked meat but also raw.

- In Germany, it's quite common to enter a building without taking off your shoes.

- Civil servants in Germany do not pay public taxes and cannot be dismissed.

- Most apartments in Germany are equipped with fire detectors. If you cook something too vigorously or forget to close the door to the shower, they go off and start beeping.

- Germans often don't know how to cook.

- In cafes, leaving more than 1 euro for tea to the waiter is considered a good tip.

- The "Nationality" field in Germany is determined by citizenship.

- Hamburg ranks first among European cities in the number of bridges (according to various sources from 2,300 to over 2,500). The city has more bridges than Venice (400), Amsterdam (1,200), and London combined.

- All business letters in Germany end with the phrase "With friendly regards." Even a fine notice.

- The word "foreigner" in Germany is considered offensive.

- Germans in communication are generally friendly and courteous. But there's no need to get too excited; they're just well-mannered.

- "Duxtown" is a German beer with a brandy aroma, aged in oak barrels.

- Germany becomes home to an immigrant when there's a feeling that littering on the streets is littering in their own apartment and there's a desire to clean up someone else's litter in a public park.

- Tattoos and piercings are very popular in Germany, among both women and men.

- In Germany, a popular TV presenter was fired for saying that good highways were built under Hitler.

- Germans pay great attention to how owners treat their pets. Even if a blind person with a guide dog behaves poorly, they will take the dog away.

- In Germany, you need to separate trash into organic and plastic.

- Many people in Germany do not smoke.

- To go fishing in Germany, you must first complete the appropriate courses. Where one of the sections will be dedicated to how to handle caught fish to minimize its suffering.

- One of the most expensive hunting clubs in Germany is the "Wolf Hunters Club." Annual membership fee is around 100,000 euros.

- Changing jobs often leads a German to a psychotherapist.

- Germany goes to bed and gets up very early.

- You can cross a German road on a pedestrian crossing with your eyes closed.

- In Germany, there are roads designated exclusively for residents, there's even a special sign. This is mainly in residential areas.

- To dispose of your car properly in Germany, you need to pay a fee at a special disposal site.

- The fine for throwing a cigarette butt on the asphalt in Germany is 20 euros.

- One of the most popular drinks among German bikers is "Jackie-Cola," a mix of Jack Daniels whiskey with Coca-Cola.

- You get less drunk from draft German beer than from bottled.

- If you have state, not private health insurance in Germany, the wait for a doctor's appointment can be several weeks.

- Considering German women selfish is a mistake. They just love themselves and their lives.

- Everything essential is very cheap in Germany. Everything related to comfort and luxury is expensive.

- Germans eat beer with special pretzels with salt grains, called "Brezels."

- Germans are sentimental and extremely romantic.

- The mentality of Germans is such that they don't start fights. But if a fight has already begun, they often fight to the end.

- In Germany, it's considered normal for a girl and a boy to pay for themselves separately. If you pay for the girl, it can be seen as either unexpected generosity or an attempt to assert her independence.

- Once an immigrant learns the language, intercultural problems practically disappear.

- German policemen usually don't look for unnecessary heroism. There are exceptions, but they are rare.

- Getting a three-day sick leave in Germany is not a problem.

- Seasonal gastroenteritis is widespread in Germany.
Category: Countries of Europe | Added by: Vik (2024-05-31)
Views: 34 | Tags: dialects, eviction, football, Bavaria, Aspirin, Fight, successful country, Bread, Beer, Mercedes, chewing gum, social assistance, directions, daylight saving time, national team, facts, Court, Germany, sausages, wikipedia, Oktoberfest, mineral water, Angela Merkel | Rating: 0.0/0
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