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Ariadne's Thread - Meaning and Origin of the Idiom
Ariadne's Thread - Meaning and Origin of the Idiom

Ariadne's Thread - Meaning and Origin of the Idiom

Ariadne's Thread - Meaning and Origin of the Idiom
The history of the origin of this winged expression is closely tied to ancient Greek mythology and takes us back to those distant times on the island of Crete.

The Legend of Theseus and His Battle with the Minotaur

Greek king Minos constructed the cunning labyrinth on Crete and hid within it from human eyes the bloodthirsty Minotaur (a creature with a human body and a bull's head).

To feed the beast, the cruel king compelled the inhabitants of the city of Athens to pay tribute. Annually, the Athenians had to send seven maidens and as many youths to perish in the Labyrinth at the hands of the Minotaur.

The famous hero Theseus decided to rid his native city of this curse. Once, he set off for Crete along with the unfortunate victims, not yet envisioning how to overcome the formidable foe. On the shores of the island, Theseus found an unexpected ally.

The beautiful Ariadne, daughter of King Minos, upon seeing the hero, understood that he was the man she had been waiting for. The enamored girl gave Theseus a sword with which he could defeat the Minotaur and a ball of thread. Moreover, the wise princess advised the warrior on how to escape from the tangled labyrinth.

Fastening the thread at the entrance, he unraveled the ball, making his way through the winding passages. And having conquered the fierce bull, he returned to the beginning of the labyrinth, from which no one had ever managed to escape, winding the thread around his hand.

Meaning of the Idiom

The expression "Ariadne's Thread" is used when discussing a lifesaving way out of a difficult situation, the means and methods by which one can improve a critical condition.
Category: Quotes and aphorisms | Added by: Vik (2024-06-10)
Views: 20 | Tags: Labyrinth, Origin, Methods, Legend, Tribute, Athens, Greek mythology, idiom, means, Ariadne's Thread, Theseus, rescue, critical situation, Crete, Minotaur | Rating: 0.0/0
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