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12 interesting facts from the life of Julius Caesar
12 interesting facts from the life of Julius Caesar

12 interesting facts from the life of Julius Caesar

12 interesting facts from the life of Julius Caesar

Here are 12 interesting facts from the life of Julius Caesar:

1. Julius Caesar's Family Background:

Gaius Julius Caesar hailed from the ancient patrician clan of the Julii. The Julii family made significant contributions to the politics and life of the early Roman Republic in the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. While not all members of the Julii family held high governmental positions, some notable political figures emerged from their ranks.

2. Unknown Birthdate of Gaius Julius Caesar:

Interestingly, the birth date of the great military leader is unknown to modern historians. While there are historical writings from ancient Roman authors and speculations from experts who study historical facts from these documents, the exact date of Julius Caesar's birth remains a mystery.

3. Childhood:

Unfortunately, historians know little about the childhood of young Gaius. Records of the lives of prominent Roman figures were primarily kept in sacred books on papyrus. Moreover, the future of young Gaius was uncertain, as his family was considered relatively poor compared to other patrician families in ancient Rome.

4. Youth:

Gaius Julius Caesar grew up amidst turbulent times as the collapse of democracy in Rome was underway by the middle of the 1st century BCE. It was a period marked by unrest and upheavals. Despite coming from a wealthy and influential family, Caesar realized early on that financial backing was essential for political ascent. He possessed a natural talent for persuading influential individuals in ancient Rome.

5. Path to Power:

Few know that only two individuals played a crucial role in Julius Caesar's rise to becoming the first emperor-dictator of the Roman Republic—Gnaeus Pompeius and Marcus Crassus. Pompey had the necessary power and influence to advance Caesar's career in the Senate. Crassus, the wealthiest man in ancient Rome, lent money to Caesar to bribe those who opposed his political views.

6. First Triumvirate:

The first triumvirate comprised three prominent politicians: Gnaeus Pompey, Julius Caesar, and Marcus Crassus. It was an informal (and illegal) alliance that wielded significant influence over the political landscape of the Republic, a fact known to few.

7. Appearance: Laurel Wreath:

Julius Caesar meticulously maintained his appearance, often bathing, trimming his nails, and grooming his hair. He never appeared unshaven, much to the annoyance of some. In his youth, he began to experience baldness, which prompted ridicule from his detractors. The presence of a laurel wreath on his head was to conceal his baldness from public view.

8. Surname Origin:

His descendants were known for their thick, luxuriant hair, which led to their surname (Caesar—densely hairy).

9. Birth:

He was delivered via the little-known ancient surgical method called a Caesarean section. Though not confirmed, such operations were exceedingly rare at the time due to their perilous nature, often resulting in the death of the mother. However, Caesar's mother survived and raised him until her death.

10. Epilepsy:

It's little-known that he suffered from epilepsy, much like Alexander the Great.

11. Brutus as His Son:

While most are aware of the close friendship between Marcus Junius (Brutus) and Julius Caesar, there's a theory that Brutus might have been his biological son. Many historical sources support this hypothesis, suggesting a romantic affair between Caesar and Brutus's mother.

12. Conquest of Egypt:

When Caesar decided to conquer Egypt, it seemed the gods were on his side. Throughout the journey, his ships faced storms, and many were lost at sea. Only one legion made it to shore. Upon landing, Caesar stumbled and fell face-first into the sand. Sensing the morale of his troops faltering, he rose, clenched a handful of sand, and declared, "Africa, you are in our hands!" This act bolstered his soldiers' spirits, leading to the conquest of Egypt.
Category: Famous people | Added by: Vik (2024-06-07)
Views: 57 | Tags: Patrician, childhood, birthdate, Origin, political ascent, Laurel wreath, first triumvirate, Democracy, Gaius Julius Caesar, Julius Caesar, conquest of Egypt, Epilepsy, youth, surname, appearance, Roman Republic, Brutus, rome | Rating: 0.0/0
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