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Short and Funny: 67 Interesting Facts That Will Make You Smile
Short and Funny: 67 Interesting Facts That Will Make You Smile

Short and Funny: 67 Interesting Facts That Will Make You Smile

Short and Funny: 67 Interesting Facts That Will Make You Smile

● Every seventh person in the world is Chinese, and every fifth person is a psychopath. We live in a world dominated by Chinese and psychopaths!

● Did you know that in Arkansas, a man can legally beat his wife? (But no more than once a month).

● Japan hosts an annual festival for crying children, where sumo wrestlers compete to make babies cry the fastest. If two babies start crying simultaneously, the louder one wins. Japanese believe that a child's cry scares away evil spirits and helps them grow healthy.

● The plastic tips on shoelaces are called aglets.
● Papaphobia is the fear of the Pope!

● In Catalonia, it's customary to gift figurines of men relieving themselves during Christmas.

● A woman in a skirt attracts 25% more attention from men than when she wears pants.

● Chips were first made on August 24, 1853, as a humorous response to a customer complaint about thick and undercooked potato slices.

● When Europeans first saw a giraffe, they called it a "camelopard," believing it to be a hybrid of a camel and a leopard.

● In Japan, dissatisfied TV viewers invented a "smart machine" that automatically turns off the television during commercials and turns it back on after the ad break.

● Greek philosopher Chrysippus died from laughter while watching his drunken donkey trying to eat figs.

● The brand name of condoms, Ramses, is named after the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II, who, incidentally, had 160 children.

● If you encounter an octopus, look into its eyes; they have rectangular pupils, which can be quite fascinating.

● The export name of the Lada Kalina car to Finland is Lada 119, as in Finnish, "Kalina" means crackle, rattle, clatter, and rattle.

● Scottish physicist Robert Watson-Watt was once stopped by a policeman for speeding, to which he said: "If I had known what you were going to do with it, I would never have invented the radar!"

● American scientists discovered a remarkable fact about human laziness. Laboratory experiments with mice revealed that laziness can be inherited.

● In 2001, a teacher of young children in Wales was dismissed by the Department of Education for inflicting severe psychological trauma on immature children. The children, upon hearing the bitter truth from their teacher, went home in tears. As a result, she received a large number of complaints. But the truth was that Santa Claus is a fictional character.

● The largest family in the world lives in the Indian state of Mizoram, consisting of one man, 39 wives, 94 children, and 33 grandchildren, totaling 167 people. The head of the family is Ziona Chana, who is not only the head of the family but also the head of a sect whose main belief is "a man can have as many wives as he wants." To manage such a large number of relatives, Zion has devised and practically implements a military regime in the family — someone is responsible for cleaning, someone for cooking, and someone for children.

● You cannot create a file or folder named "Con" in Windows because Bill Gates had the nickname "Con" as a botanist in his childhood. And he made sure that such files and folders were absent from his system.

● 718 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature of hell, calculated by scientists based on quotes from the Bible.

● The surface of an ordinary office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

● Divide your height by eight. It should be the height of your head.

● The Japanese proverb goes: "A good husband is always healthy and not at home."

● When we look into the fridge, trying to find something tasty, we absolutely don't notice how we open it again in 3 minutes, looking for something unique and delicious.

● In the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation in 2010, there was a doctoral sausage named "Boiled children," which resulted from a translation error from another language. But the strangest thing is that almost all of this sausage was sold out.

● The inventor of Vaseline used it as food, one spoonful every morning.

● Leonardo da Vinci invented an alarm clock that kicked the sleeper's legs.

● During the Inquisition, people who were guilty were burned at the stake. By the way, women who weighed more than 50 kg were never judged for connections with the devil. It was believed that 50 kg was the maximum weight a broom could lift, and without this means of transportation, a witch, of course, could not attend the Sabbath.

● 11% of all broken scanners fail because people sit on them to copy body parts!

● In the first week after New Year, shops in Japan offer their own kind of "pig in a poke" - they sell "fukubukuro" - "lucky bags" or "lucky bags." These are sealed packages with clothes or other items.

● A condom is a unique thing. Created by people for people. From people.

● In the football championship of the Vatican state, teams such as "Mail," "Guards," "Bank," "Library," "Museum Team" play.

● In China, the English-speaking population is larger than in the United States.

● During the height of World War I - on April 1, 1915, a French plane flying over a German camp dropped a bomb. Everyone in the camp ran helter-skelter in all directions. But the explosion never sounded. Instead of a bomb, the French dropped a huge ball with the inscription "Happy April Fool's Day!"

● Male deer shed their antlers by Christmas, so the reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh are probably female or castrated.

● Justin Bieber lost 80,000 of his followers on Twitter after cutting his hair.

● The English have their own tea traditions. For example, pouring milk into the cup first and then tea. Or putting a spoon across the cup, signaling that the tea has been drunk enough - please do not pour more. Anyone unfamiliar with local etiquette could pay a heavy price. Once, a certain Prince de'Broglie had to drink 12 cups of tea before someone guessed to explain the spoon manipulation to him. It is said that one foreigner in desperation thought to hide the cup in his pocket so as not to drink more tea.

● The template for writing the logo of your favorite football team on the forehead was patented in 1986.

● In Europe, during the widespread adoption of chocolate in the 16th century, it was attributed with magical and healing properties. Of course, expectations were not met, and then it began to be considered the source of all troubles. One young person wrote to her friend: "I advise you not to eat chocolate anymore. My acquaintance ate it during pregnancy and gave birth to a completely black child."

● Upon receiving orders from Hitler, General Falkenhorst in 1940 developed a plan for the occupation of Denmark and Norway, using the "Baedeker" tourist guide, as he did not have the required map.

● In 1928, two Protestant parishes in Toronto merged: the Congregational Church on Bond Street and the Presbyterian Church on St. James Square. The new organization was named the United Church of St. James Bond. In 2005, it ceased to exist under this name due to another merger.

● When the current heir to the British crown, Prince Charles, studied at Cambridge, he was accompanied by a bodyguard to all classes. The Cambridge education system allowed the bodyguard to participate in discussions and debates. And at the end of the course, the instructors offered him to take exams. As a result, the bodyguard scored more points than the prince and also received a diploma.

● In the 18th century, it was fashionable among Parisian women to wear hats with lightning rods.

● If you remember a little from your school physics course, you know that there is a Richter temperature scale. So this same Charles Richter was a notorious nudist, which led to his wife leaving him.

● In 2006, tycoon Steve Wynn, owner of a casino in Las Vegas, had just agreed to sell Picasso's painting "The Dream." And immediately, stumbling, hit the canvas with his elbow - and tore a hole in it. The buyer refused to deal.

● One of the most unusual medieval knightly orders was an order dedicated to buttocks. By the way, it existed for over 150 years.

● One of the leaders in brewing in the USA, the Coors company, probably thought that their slogan "Relax!" would be perfectly translated into Spanish. Unfortunately, it was translated as "Get rid of diarrhea!"

● When the American fast-food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken opened its first restaurant in Beijing in 1987, the Chinese translated the famous KFC slogan, "So good that you'll lick your fingers!" as "We will bite your fingers!"

● Once at the student football championship in Cameroon, one of the teams was credited with a technical defeat of 0:3. The reason was that the captain of the team refused to shake hands with the opposing captain and instead lowered his pants and showed him his bare butt.
In 2007, a limited series of Pepsi with a cucumber flavor appeared on sale in Japan.

● In Malaysia, it is believed that bathing a child in beer can protect him from all sorts of troubles and illnesses.

● In France, Italy, and Chile, the existence of UFOs is officially recognized.

● In Japan, human feces have long been used as fertilizer, as Buddhism and predominantly vegetarian diets did not allow for widespread use of manure from livestock. At the same time, the feces of the rich were valued more, since their diet was richer and more varied.

● There is a kindergarten for men in Hamburg.

● A wombat's feces have a cubic shape.

● Roman Emperor Caligula declared war on Poseidon. He led his army to the beach and ordered his soldiers to throw spears into the water.

● In Norway, there is a village called Hell.

● The level of radiation can be measured by bananas.

● In America, VKontakte is considered a pirate website.

● 15% of people secretly bite their nails.

● In Pennsylvania in 1979, two newborns were registered with unusual names - Pepsi and Cola.

● In Liverpool, saleswomen are allowed to work topless, but only in shops selling tropical fish.

● British hairstylists use bull semen as a hair conditioner.

● October 8 is World Zombie Day!
Category: Various | Added by: Vik (2024-04-22)
Views: 24 | Tags: smile-inducing facts, trivia, amusing information, funny facts, humor, laughter, interesting facts, curious facts | Rating: 0.0/0
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