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The Most Interesting Facts About UFOs
The Most Interesting Facts About UFOs

The Most Interesting Facts About UFOs

The Most Interesting Facts About UFOs

UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, periodically appear in our skies in various corners of the planet. Alien spacecraft have long fascinated ordinary people and some scientists. Skeptical astronomers continue to assert that UFOs do not exist. Currently, it can only be said for certain that humanity has not yet succeeded in confirming or refuting the theory of extraterrestrial existence.

Point Green The term "UFO" was first used by D. E. Keyhoe in his book in 1953, titled "Flying Saucers from Outer Space."

Point Green Pilot K. Arnold drew attention to alien flying objects when in 1947 he spotted 9 unidentified objects flying through the air during a flight. The news spread worldwide quickly, after which ordinary people literally began seeking contact with aliens. Arnold, in turn, saw the objects above Mount Rainier, located in Washington. It was Kenneth Arnold who named UFOs "flying saucers," after which this term became popular and widely used.

Point Green The term "UFO" was officially introduced by the United States Air Force in 1953. Air Force personnel used this term not only for unidentified saucer-shaped objects, but also for other devices of various shapes whose origin was difficult to determine.

Point Green Most modern scientists believe that alien spacecraft do not deserve such attention because they cannot visit our planet so frequently. It is known that news about UFOs appears on the internet with enviable regularity. If all of them were true, we would have already established direct contact with aliens.

Point Green In the late 1950s and early 1960s, news about UFOs was incredibly popular in the United States. Later, it was revealed that practically all such news actually referred to "U-2" reconnaissance aircraft, which were secret for several years.

Point Green All movies about aliens and alien technology can be divided into two groups. The first and most popular group depicts hostile behavior of aliens. In such movies, aliens attack humans, conquer our planet, turning our lives into Hell.

Point Green The second group of movies shows a completely different behavior of UFOs - friendly. In such cinema, aliens try to teach us something high-tech, reveal their secrets, and even save humans. Besides, there is another category of movies about UFOs where we save aliens. Such movies appear the least often. Based on the above, we can assume what exactly we expect from aliens.

Point Green In ufology, there is a term "ufonaut" - ancient astronaut. Scholars of this field believe that "ufonauts" frequently visited our planet in the distant past. This theory is supported by various archaeological findings and architectural monuments of ancient cities.

Point Green In 1967, over England, six unidentified objects lined up in the sky. The government officially approved plans of scientists and military personnel who intended to study UFOs. This event attracted widespread attention, but later it was found to be a hoax.

Point Green The Bermuda Triangle is also attributed to connections with aliens. Researchers believe that there may be an alien permanent base underwater in that area, which aliens frequently visit. This explains the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft that have not yet been found.

Point Green Renowned astronomer Carl Sagan was always skeptical. He doubted that a highly developed alien civilization would want to establish contact with us. Despite his beliefs, he still participated in the world-famous SETI project.

Point Green In the late 1930s, Orson Welles cited the fantastic book "The War of the Worlds" on his radio show. He described what was happening in it so convincingly and realistically that thousands of Americans believed they were actually under attack by aliens. Mass panic began around the middle of the book. People quickly gathered their belongings and tried to leave. Fortunately, the shocked population was able to be reassured in time.

Point Green On July 8, 1947, in Roswell, supposedly debris from an alien spacecraft was found. Shortly thereafter, the government announced that this spacecraft was actually an experimental terrestrial flying apparatus. For several months, people refused to believe this, accusing the government of deliberately concealing the truth about UFOs.

Point Green In the USSR, new types of military equipment were often identified as alien saucers.

Point Green A social study in 1996 showed that 71% of Americans believe that the government is hiding the truth about flying alien craft from them. Moreover, many were convinced that the government had long since established contact with aliens and made certain agreements with them.

Point Green The first photograph of an unidentified alien transport vehicle was taken in 1883 by an astronomer named H. Bonilla from Mexico.

Point Green The first claims of abductions by aliens were made by the Hill couple, Betty and Barney, in 1961 in New Hampshire. According to their testimonies, the abduction took place in full agreement, despite being questioned separately and under hypnosis.

Point Green In today's world, there are official organizations dedicated to the search for and study of UFOs. The most famous among them are: "MUFON," "CUFOS," and the Fund for the Study of Unidentified Flying Objects.

Point Green Aliens abducted not only ordinary people, but also military personnel, often in the presence of their leadership. For example, in 1953, Second Lieutenant F. J. Moncla disappeared without a trace. He was sent to intercept a UFO hovering over the state of Michigan. Moncla's plane approached the unidentified apparatus, after which it was enveloped in a bright light, and when everything stopped, the plane was no longer on radar. Nothing more was heard about the pilot and his plane.
Category: Cosmos and the universe | Added by: Vik (2024-06-20)
Views: 55 | Tags: Roswell incident, Bermuda Triangle, U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, Carl Sagan, unidentified flying objects, MUFON, alien abductions, SETI project, Betty and Barney Hill, CUFOS, ufo, Kenneth Arnold, flying saucers, ancient astronauts | Rating: 0.0/0
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