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Entries in section: 21 Shown entries: 11-20
"Risk lover," "stunt artist" — this is how the word "stuntman" can be translated from French. Indeed, the stuntman's task is to replace the actor when performing complex and dangerous stunts.
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Views: 72 |
Added by: Vik |
Date: 2024-07-08
The Renaissance, derived from the French word "Renaissance," represents a period in European history marked by numerous cultural transformations. The Renaissance succeeded the Middle Ages and served as a transitional phase between the medieval period and the Age of Enlightenment.
In this article, we aim to briefly highlight the key aspects of the Renaissance era and share interesting facts about this historical period.
According to archaeological data, during the Neolithic period, humans could not drink animal milk because they lacked the gene necessary to digest lactose. This ability came to our ancestors later through a genetic mutation, though even now, quite a few people lose the ability to digest milk in adulthood. |
Spanish is one of the most beautiful languages in the world and today ranks among the most widely spoken. It is also remarkably easy to learn, so if you haven't decided which language to learn next, consider the one spoken by prominent figures in art like Cervantes, Velazquez, and Picasso.
The People's Republic, which is modern China, combines the spirit of communism with ancient worldviews. Religious traditions continue to thrive in local superstitions and customs. Collectivism does not diminish the importance of family in any aspect. Attitudes towards foreigners are also permeated with traditional norms, which it wouldn't hurt to learn about right now.
The mighty civilization of Ancient Egypt thrived for several millennia and stood as one of the most advanced regions of the world. While ancient Europe was populated by scattered settlements of barbarians, a vast kingdom flourished on the banks of the Nile. Enough information has survived to this day about the ancient Egyptians to properly appreciate all the peculiarities of this country that disappeared long ago.
On October 12, 1492, in the early cold morning, a sailor on the caravel "Pinta," one of Christopher Columbus's three ships, saw the outlines of a coast through his spyglass and joyfully shouted, "Land!" Neither Columbus nor any of his crew members could have imagined that this event would go down in history as the day of the discovery of a new, yet unknown to Europeans, part of the world — America.
● The term "tattoo" comes from the Tahitian word "TATA," which means "drawing." The concept entered scientific circulation thanks to the famous British explorer James Cook, who used it in his report on his circumnavigation in 1773. ● The oldest tattoos are considered to be those found on the body of the Similaun Man (Ötzi the Iceman). The mummy was found in 1991 in the Tyrolean Alps. It is about 5,300 years old. The Similaun Man's body has a total of 57 tattoos.
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Views: 57 |
Added by: Vik |
Date: 2024-05-28
The city of Babylon was the capital of ancient Babylonia, located in Mesopotamia. It is believed to have been founded no later than the 3rd millennium BCE and fell into decline by the beginning of the Common Era, eventually being destroyed.
Facts about the Arabic language deserve a separate volume in an encyclopedia. And it's no wonder. This oldest language of the Arab nomads now ranks among the top five most widely spoken in the world. A quarter of a billion people speak Arabic from birth! It has been recognized officially by 26 countries.
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