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South America: 29 Interesting Facts About the Most Humid Continent
South America: 29 Interesting Facts About the Most Humid Continent

South America: 29 Interesting Facts About the Most Humid Continent

South America: 29 Interesting Facts About the Most Humid Continent

The enormous continent of South America, discovered by Europeans during the age of great explorers, is a true source of ancient cultures, traditions, and customs. Despite centuries under colonization, many local peoples have preserved their traditional way of life, while those who were assimilated have produced a remarkable blend of indigenous and European cultures.

Interesting Facts About South America:

● South America is home to a total of 12 independent countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Chile, and Ecuador. Plus dependent territories of other countries: Falkland Islands, French Guiana, South Georgia, and the South Sandwich Islands.

● The population of the South American continent is approximately 385 million people.

● The area of the South American continent is 17.8 million km² (4th among continents).

● It stretches approximately 7350 km from north to south and approximately 4900 km from west to east.

● The average elevation of South America above sea level is nearly 655 meters.

● The largest South American country is Brazil, followed by Argentina. Both of these countries rank 6th and 7th respectively in terms of area among all countries in the world.

● The rainiest inhabited place on Earth is located in South America. It is the Colombian city of Buenaventura, where it rains more than anywhere else on Earth.

● The driest of the hot deserts, the Atacama, is also located on the American continent. There has been no significant rainfall here for about 400 years.

● Spanish is the official language in most countries of South America, but other languages are also spoken.

● About half of the population of South America lives in Brazil. The local dialect of Portuguese is spoken here.

● Most large South American cities have rough areas where even the police usually do not enter. In Brazil, they are called favelas, in some other countries - shantytowns.

● The southernmost city on the planet, Ushuaia, is located in South America. Standing on its shore and looking south, you realize that beyond the horizon lies only one land - Antarctica.

● Not all former colonies of the New World belong to South America. Many confuse South America with Latin America. The former is a geographical definition, while the latter is more of an ethnographic one.

● Guyana, one of the poorest countries in the world, is the only English-speaking country on the South American continent. French is also widely spoken here.

● The predominant religion in South America is Christianity - specifically Catholicism.

● Once, the empires of the Incas and the Mayans existed here, but they were destroyed by conquistadors.

● In Argentina and Uruguay, the majority of the population are direct descendants of Spaniards and Italians, and the local residents have a European appearance. The most indigenous population is in Bolivia and Peru.

● The highest capital city in the world is located in South America, La Paz, at 3690 meters above sea level. However, this city is only the de facto capital of Bolivia, not nominally.

● The Uyuni Salt Flat in South America, formed on the site of a dried-up lake, turns into the largest mirror in the world during the rainy season.

● In Paraguay, one of the countries of South America, duels are still allowed.

● Among all continents on Earth, South America is the most humid.

● The most famous waterfalls in the world are also located in South America. Angel Falls is the highest, and Iguazu Falls is the most powerful.

● Lake Titicaca, located on the border of Peru and Bolivia, is the highest navigable lake in the world.

● In the Republic of Chile, from 10 to 25% of the population, according to various estimates, are descendants of the Spanish Basque Country and their direct descendants.

● In the same Chile, about 3% of the population are ethnic Croats, and about half a million people are Germans.

● Suriname, a former colony of the Netherlands, is the only country in South America where Dutch is spoken.

● In Bolivia and Peru, drinks infused with coca leaves are popular, but they cannot be exported to other countries.

● The popular dance known as tango originated in Argentina and Uruguay.

● The most popular sport in all South American countries is football.
Category: Countries of South America | Added by: Vik (2024-06-05)
Views: 18 | Tags: colonization, cultures, brazil, indigenous peoples, Incas, facts, Elevation, Ushuaia, Spanish, Christianity, Argentina, traditions, favelas, countries, Colombia, Continent, Population, area, climate, Guyana, Languages, Antarctica, portuguese, Religion, South America | Rating: 0.0/0
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