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17 Interesting Facts About the USA You Might Not Have Known
17 Interesting Facts About the USA You Might Not Have Known

17 Interesting Facts About the USA You Might Not Have Known

USA, facts, diverse country, tipping, Constitution, democracy, Nebraska, admiral diploma, official language, credit, American Dream, workaholics, dining out, fast food, discrimination, Kinder Surprises, Pentagon, toilets, prisoners, Armed Forces, police officers, respect, immigrants

The United States of America is such a diverse country that you could write a whole book about it, but we've decided to bring you only the most interesting facts.

Interesting Facts About the USA:

● Americans are accustomed to tipping, and it's included by default in all bills, whether at a cafe or in a taxi.

● You won't find the word "democracy" anywhere in the United States Constitution.

● American legislators have a sense of humor. In the state of Nebraska, you can easily purchase an official admiral diploma for $30 and command a fleet. However, the jurisdiction of the diploma only extends to this state, which conveniently has no access to the sea.

● If you think English is the official language of the USA, think again. Americans don't have one, probably too lazy to document it officially.

● Almost all Americans live on credit, it's a fact. Even if they didn't take it, they probably inherited it. This doesn't stop 80% of families from owning two cars.

● The concept of the American Dream instilled since childhood makes most Americans workaholics.

● Dining out in big cities can be very expensive, so fast food is widespread, where you can eat to your heart's content for $10.

● Interestingly, there are establishments only for Black people, but there cannot and should not be ones only for White people because it's considered discrimination against Blacks.

● You won't find Kinder Surprises in the USA due to a law prohibiting non-edible items inside food products.

● The Pentagon has twice as many toilets as needed. The thing is, when the building was constructed in 1942, restrooms were segregated for Whites and Blacks.

● The USA has the highest number of prisoners in the world, solely within its territory, and Americans also build prisons outside the country.

● American men give their wives an even number of flowers.

● The US Armed Forces are currently the strongest and most experienced army on the planet.

● Americans have great respect, and some even fear, police officers. It's prestigious to be a cop here.

● Americans highly value someone who can make something with their hands, even if it doesn't look very good.

● Spelling mistakes in English words are considered almost normal for Americans, whether it's a schoolchild or a professor, nobody will be bothered.

● The USA was formed by immigrants, so there are more of them than in any other country.
Category: Countries of North America | Added by: Vik (2024-06-02)
Views: 16 | Tags: usa, Toilets, Democracy, Credit, Constitution, facts, official language, Armed Forces, Prisoners, police officers, Fast Food, discrimination, American Dream, workaholics, dining out, Kinder Surprises, respect, Tipping, Nebraska, admiral diploma, Pentagon, diverse country, immigrants | Rating: 0.0/0
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